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Wararka Maanta-Sabti, Oktoobar 10, 2020

Sabti, October 10, 2020 (HOL) - Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa salaadda janaasada ku tukaday, Alle ha u naxariistee, Ra’iisul Wasaarihii hore ee Dowladdii Kumeel-gaarka ahayd Marxuum Cali Khaliif Galeyr, oo aas qaran loogu sameeyey magaalada Muqdisho.

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Somali News Update -Saturday - October 10, 2020

MOGADISHU (HOL) - The family of the departed former Prime Minister of Somalia Ali Khalif Galaydh has called for a probe over the death of their kin noting the circumstances surrounding his death are suspect.

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Wararka Maanta-Jimco, Oktoobar 9, 2020

Jimco, October 9, 2020 (HOL) - Ciidamada xoogga dalka Soomaaliya SNA iyo kuwa midowga Afrika ee howl-galka nabad-gelyo u jooga dalka ee AMISOM ayaa isku raacay howl-gal ballaaran oo ka dhan ah ururka Al-shabaab.

Warkii oo dhan

Somali News Update -Friday - October 9, 2020

JIGJIGA (HOL) - Former Somali Prime Minister Ali Khalif Galaydh who died Thursday was killed by COVID19 becoming the second ex-premier to succumb to the disease.

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Somali News Update -Thursday - October 8, 2020

MOGADISHU (HOL) - A political party headed by former Al-Shabaab number two Mukhtar Robow has been given the greenlight by the electoral commission to take part in electoral politics in Somalia.

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Wararka Maanta-Khamiis, Oktoobar 8, 2020

Khamiis, October 8, 2020 (HOL) - Raysal wasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya, Cali Khaliif Galaydh ayaa ku geeriyooday magaalada Jigjiga ee caasimada dawlad deegaanka Soomaalida.

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Somali News Update -Wednesday - October 7, 2020

NAIROBI (HOL) - A court in Kenya has found two Al-Shabaab suspects guilty of plotting and taking part in the 2013 terror attack in Nairobi’s Westgate Mall that left 67 people dead.

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Wararka Maanta-Arbaco, Oktoobar 7, 2020

Arbaco, October 7, 2020 (HOL) - Wasaaradda shaqada iyo arrimaha bulshada Soomaaliya ayaa amartay in hay’adda nabad sugida ay hubin amni ku sameyso dhammaan shaqaalaha dowladda.

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Wararka Maanta-Talaado, Oktoobar 6, 2020

Talaado, October 6, 2020 (HOL) - Madaxweynaha dowlad goboleedka Hirshabelle Maxamad Cabdi Waare ayaa kasoo horjeestay jadwalka doorashooyinka ay maanta soo bandhigeen guddiga farsamadda iyo soo xulista Baarlamaanka Labaad ee maamulka Hirshabelle.

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Somali News Update -Tuesday - October 6, 2020

HARGEISA (HOL) - The Upper House in Somaliland has approved electoral recommendations agreed to by political parties in what could now see new MPs elected for the first time since 2005.

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Somali News Update -Monday - October 5, 2020

MOGADISHU (HOL) - Somalia imposed a ban on khat imports in March in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic but chewing of the leafy stimulant in Mogadishu and other parts of the country has not stopped though it now costs an arm and a leg to sustain the habit.

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Wararka Maanta-Isniin, Oktoobar 5, 2020

Isniin, October 5, 2020 (HOL) - Ururka Al-shabaab ayaa dardar galin ku wada soo saarista salaadiinta dhaqanka goobaha ay gacanta ku hayaan ee qeybo kamid ah koonfurta iyo bartamaha Soomaaliya.

Warkii oo dhan

11:26:23 PM
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