by Mohamoud Gaildon
Monday April 4, 2022

President of Somaliland Muse Bihi Abdi at Heritage Foundation, Washington DC
On March 14, the conservative Heritage Foundation played host to the president of Somaliland,
a breakaway region of Somalia "whose self-declared independence ... is
not internationally recognized," in the words of a Freedom House report.
Three days later, three U.S. senators, Jim Risch, R-Idaho, Chris Van
Hollen, D-Md., and Mike Rounds, R-S.D., introduced a bill titled the Somaliland Partnership Act.
Their bill paints a rosy picture of Somaliland and calls for much
closer U.S. engagement with it. This bill relies on a combination of
faulty and incomplete information. (The Freedom House report cited above
says that Somaliland "has seen a consistent erosion of political rights
and civic space," with minority clans subject to "political and
economic marginalization" and a serious social problem of violence
against women.) More concerning, however, is that if this bill is passed
it will take Somalia, a poor country already mired in much turmoil,
down an even more perilous path.
In a nutshell, a partnership with the U.S., as envisioned in this
legislation, would provide Somaliland with the financial and military
wherewithal it needs to make separation from Somalia a fait accompli. It
would also lend Somaliland a mantle of legitimacy. The persistent claim
by the leaders of Somaliland that it is a de facto country in full
control of its "territory" is not true: The two communities through
whose territory the presumed border of separation runs are staunchly
against Somaliland's secession. Without the consent of these two
communities (the Warsengeli and Dhulbahante tribes), Somaliland's
secession cannot be a reality on the ground, as Risch's bill claims it
already is. And since no consent is forthcoming from these two
communities, violence and conquest are Somaliland's only option. Why
would the U.S. involve itself in such a combustible mix?
The answer is given here: "Recognizing Somaliland's independence would
enable the U.S. to hedge against further deterioration of its position
in Djibouti, which is under Chinese sway," writes Joshua Meservey of the
Heritage Foundation. Similarly, Risch's rationale for his bill stresses
the importance of Somaliland's "geographic location in the Horn of
Africa and next to the Gulf of Aden." So the Heritage Foundation and
several U.S. senators have decided to bypass Somalia's legal authority
and deal with a secessionist entity, without regard to what might
follow, for what they perceive as America's strategic interests.To me, this seems a flashback to a series of decades-long events related
to me, as a child, by my father and other elders of my family. I grew
up in a house steeped in the history of the conflict with Britain as it
barged into our land and ruled our people. I am a great-grandson of
Sultan Muhammad Mahmud Ali (nicknamed Awl), the sultan of the Warsangeli
tribe, who in 1886 entered into a "protection treaty" with the British
government, one of six such treaties with Somali tribes that formed what
was called the Somaliland British Protectorate, which existed until
Back then, foreign men drew lines on paper to divide Somalis without
their knowledge. Today, men in Washington — and they are once again
almost all men — are working to decide the fate of Somalis as one aspect
of global competition with China. Those like Risch and the Heritage
Foundation are throwbacks to colonial times, hellbent on reordering
Africa as they see fit. For them, Somalia is fair game, a guinea pig,
something to be altered with the stroke of a pen. If their intentions
were sincere, they would be interested in talking to all sides of this
particular conflict and they would not have so smugly ignored the
government of the Federal Republic of Somalia. It is no secret that
government is frail and unstable, but that is not a good reason for
undermining it still further.
In American right-wingers eager to exert power in the Horn of Africa,
President Muse Bihi Abdi of Somaliland has finally found dancing
partners in his quest to open a wound that healed long ago. The border
he wants to revive in order to secede from Somalia carries a history of
humiliation and pain, not suffered by him or his tribe but rather by the
tribes in the east of what he now likes to call Somaliland.
When the original Somaliland protectorate voluntarily united with
Somalia in 1960 and the colonial border between them was erased, it was a
great moment. Communities torn apart for decades were finally free to
move and mix in the vast land of our ancestors. It is that very border
that Bihi and his allies now want to revive, with the comforting
knowledge that neither they nor their tribesmen will feel the knife's
edge of separation if things go their way. Neither Risch nor the
Heritage Foundation has ever spoken to those whose lives or families
would once again be torn asunder. In the tradition of long-ago colonial
administrators, they are scribbling words on paper in cozy offices
thousands of miles away from the people whose fate they are deciding.
Somaliland's narrative of independence is based on a deceptive mix of
truths, half-truths and outright lies that it has been unable to sell to
the Somali people, the African Union or anyone else in the world except
— again, for political reasons — the would-be independent island of
Taiwan. It's no wonder that Bihi has found a receptive ear and a helping
hand in the Heritage Foundation, known for climate-change denialism,
efforts to suppress the votes of minorities in the U.S., and fueling the
moral panic over "critical race theory." It is deeply unfortunate to
see the self-described leaders of Somaliland seeking validation from
forces in the United States aligned with a racist and neocolonialist
agenda. But there's not much room for pity when the fate of so many poor
Somalis hangs in the balance. There's only room for good people to
stand up and tell the American right: Hands off Somalia.
Mohamoud Gaildon is a Somali-American medical physicist. He has worked
in a number of major hospitals including Memorial Sloan-Kettering, Beth
Israel and Mount Sinai in New York City. He is now a senior medical
physicist at St. Francis Medical Center in Peoria, Illinois, and is also
the author of a novel, "The Yibir of Las Burgabo." He can be reached at [email protected]