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Somali military kills over 80 Al-Shabaab militants in multi-region operations

Thursday March 28, 2024

Supplied: SONNA

Mogadishu (HOL) - The Somali government has stated that it has killed more than 80 Al-Shabaab militants in a series of operations across the Mudug, Middle Shabelle, and Bakool regions.

According to a press release issued by the Ministry of Information of the Federal Government, the initial operation near the city of Harardhere resulted in over 40 Al-Shabaab fighters killed. The militants were reportedly assembled at a location known as Ba'aadka Farah Adan.

Another operation occurred in the Fiqaay forest, about 15 kilometres from the Daru Nicma area. This joint effort by Somali government forces and their international allies led to the death of more than 35 Al-Shabaab militants. The operation focused on targeting militant fighters and their military vehicles, which had previously attacked Daru Nicma. The government also reported the destruction of military vehicles during the operation.

In a third strike, government forces targeted Al-Shabaab strongholds in the Wajid district within the Bakool region, eliminating six militants.

The Ministry of Defense stated that these planned operations are part of a larger strategy to degrade Alshabab's capabilities and disrupt their plans to undermine regional security. The Ministry also thanked international partners for their support during the missions. 

The Somali government's claims about the Al-Shabaab casualty figures have not been verified independently.

The SNA operations come as the Al Qaeda-linked militant group retook several areas in the Mudug region following government withdrawal. As a result, over 7,000 individuals have become displaced in the wider Galmudug region.


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