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Government blocks roads in Mogadishu amid uncertainty over failed electoral talks

Friday March 5, 2021

MOGADISHU (HOL) - The Federal Government has mounted barriers on roads leading to Darjika Dahson the venue of protests by the opposition in what signals a possible confrontation as Somalia plunges into uncertainty over the ongoing electoral stalemate.

However the opposition has announced it is calling off the protests set for tomorrow noting the government blocked it from securing the venue.

Prime Minister Mohamed Roble and the opposition agreed last week the government forces would provide security to the protesters.

The KM4 and Maka Al Mukarama roads have been sealed off with roadblocks sealing off traffic from the southern part of the city to Daljirka Dhason.

Former President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud said new dates will be announced and that only the opposition security teams will provide security for the protests.

The development follows collapse of talks Thursday night between Prime Minister Mohamed Roble and the Council of Presidential Candidates.

The talks which had earlier been billed as ‘productive’ and key to unlocking the electoral stalemate hit a brick wall Thursday night when the two sides emerged from the overnight talks blaming each other.

In separate press briefings in the wee hours of Friday, the Prime Minister and the Opposition fired at each other opening a new faultline between the two.

"During my meeting with the Council of Candidates, I made many concessions. We (the government and CPC) agreed on number of points except one condition and that is, the opposition demanded their representatives to take part in FGS-FMS forum," the PM said.

He noted he did not have the authority to accede to the demand since the matter was between the President and Federal Member State leaders.

On his part, CPC Member Abdirahman Abdishakur accused Roble of lacking independence and working at the behest of Villa Somalia.

“"We had been holding talks with an individual (Prime Minister) who could not reach agreement independently. The talks were undermined by Villa Somalia who sent SMS to the individual. It is unfortunate that, this person does not realise that he has authority to reach agreement,” the Wadajir party leader said.

The failed talks which now mirror that of Farmaajo and the Federal Member States casts further doubts on when Somalia will settle the election circus.


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