Thursday October 1, 2020

MOGADISHU (HOL) - A military court in Mogadishu has condemned a military man to death for raping a four year old girl in the city’s Wadajir district.
The military court of First Instance sentenced constable Mohamed Hussein Elmi to death following charges by the Ofice of the Prosecutor. According to the prosecutor, Elmi raped the four year old girl in May 14 this year in Wadajir district.The trial began early last month and was concluded on September 24 ahead of the sentencing today.
Military deputy attorney general Mumim Hussein Abdullahi appealed to the court to deliver its verdict in a manner that will send a message to would-be rapists.
The sentencing of the soldier comes in the wake of rising cases of rape which have sparked anger and uproar in the city and beyond.
A five year old baby was raped September 20 in Mogadishu barely a week after two other cases involving a 19 year old teenager and 10 year old boy in the city.
The developments have put on the spot the Federal Parliament to pass the Sexual Offenses Act which has been pending in the Lower House since May 2018.