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World united in protecting Somalia peace efforts

Wednesday, May 02, 2012
by Abdulkadir Khalif

The world has united in cautioning individuals and groups against sabotaging efforts to restore order in Somalia.

The United Nations, the African Union (AU) and the Inter-governmental Agency on Development (Igad), stated in a joint statement Tuesday that Somalia’s peace process had entered a critical juncture.

However, the signatories expressed worries that some individuals and groups, in and outside Somalia, were bent on undermining the progress being made.

The Somalia stabilisation roadmap, agreed on last September 2011, aims at securing the transitional status to a permanent government by August 20.

However, the international agencies were concerned that spoilers could jeopardise the progress towards such benchmarks as the convening of a constituent assembly, adoption of the federal provisional constitution and selection of a new parliament.

“Non-compliance with or active obstruction of the roadmap for ending the transition in Somalia will be referred to the Igad ministers with our recommendations for the immediate imposition of specific measures and restrictions,” warned the signatories to the communication.

The initiators of the declaration referred to UN Security Council Resolution 1844 (2008), calling for measures to be taken against those who seek to prevent or block a peaceful political process, who threaten the Transitional Federal Institutions of Somalia by force or who take action that undermines stability in Somalia or the region.

Civil war

The document was signed by Dr Augustine Mahiga, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for Somalia; Mr Baubacar Diarra, the Special Representative for the AU Commission for Somalia and Mr Kipruto arap Kirwa, the Igad Facilitator for Somalia Peace and National reconciliation.


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