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Kulmiye Party should learn from its mistakes and own the future

by Hassan Abdi Yousuf
Monday, June 7, 2021

Now that the parliamentary and municipal elections are behind us, and in light of the poor results scored by Kulmiye Party, it is time that the genuine supporters of the party should air their voices with the main of minimizing the damage and setting solid grounds for the future.

The following tactical moves which are aimed at neutralizing the effects of the defeat of Kulmiye Party in the elections should be adopted as soon as possible.

·         First and foremost, the leadership of Kulimye with the President at its helm should assume full responsibility for the poor performance of the party in the just declared elections. An Arabic proverb says: الاعترف بالخطيئة شهامة ( Ka garayga Khaladkaagu Waa Raganimo).

Secondly, the president’s office should be open to grieving citizens. The President should assign ONE DAY to listen to the complaints of ordinary citizens.

·         The president should be a Good Listener and Responsive to sincere advice and constructive criterium.

·         The Central government should consolidate its power to attain effective control of the state of affairs across the country.

·         The power of the Governors should be upgraded in order to enable them to actually represent the President in their respective regions.

·         The governors should chair Periodic Meetings of Regional Government Departments and send their reports directly to the presidency. This will make the people in the regions close to the government Top decision-makers.

·         Governors should be appointed from their own communities in order to facilitate their effectiveness and close contact with the ordinary person on the street.

·         The central government should ensure that the mayors and deputies cannot misappropriate public funds and other resources. We should enact and adopt strict financial procedures, wealth declaration, good governance & transparency standards, frequent and efficient audit teams to curtail any wrongdoers.

·         The central government should appoint experienced and efficient Municipality Executive officers (EOs) to ensure that the mayors adhere to good governance and sound financial and operational practices.

·         The Ministry of Public Works should be allowed to assume its responsibilities. This ministry should take full control of the new town plans, reallocation of farmlands, etc.

·         The role of the municipalities should be confined to the distribution of land already earmarked for urbanization, albeit still under the watchful supervision of the Ministry.

·         The land allocated for public use (Danta-guud) should be under the sole control of the Public Works Ministry. We should block any role of the municipalities in this regard.

·         The practice of the Mayors and municipality officers in looting public resources should be placed under strict scrutiny and careful watch through frequent and effective audits and inspections.

·         Finally, the term of the national political parties will expire in June 2022. In accordance with the relevant law, the process of electing the new parties shall commence in December 2021. This process should not be delayed whatsoever. The government should speed up the election of the new political parties to ensure that at least one of the Family-based Opposition parties goes down the drain.

Hassan Abdi Yousuf is Political Analyst
Hargeisa, Somaliland
Email: [email protected]


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