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Khatumo State President arrives in Las Anod after a 12 year absence

Hiiraan Online
Thursday February 16, 2017

Las Anod (HOL)  - Khatumo State President Ali Khalif Galad arrived in the regional capital Las Anod today. Ali Khalif Galad’s trip to Las Anod culminates a twelve year absence from the city and marks the first time that he has visited his regional capital since being elected President.

He was warmly greeted by his supporters who waited for him on the airport tarmac as he disembarked his plan.

He had just arrived from a trip to Djibouti where he took part in the second round of mediation talks between Somaliland and Khatumo state officials.

Regarding the talks, regional President Ali Khalif Galad said that the meetings between Somaliland and Khatumo were supposed to be sincere talks between official representatives; but he does not feel that Somaliland is prepared to genuinely negotiate with Khatumo.

“We (Khatumo State) are aware that there is unrest in Las Anod, but this does not mean that we will tolerate their attitude (at the mediation talks)."

Khatumo state is wedged between Somaliland and Puntland and thus has been at the center of a power struggle between the two sides.


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